Thank you for praying with us every week! This week you can...
...ask our Father to raise up people of peace - people who welcome us into their lives as we welcome them into ours - in our neighborhoods and networks. Ask God to raise up and guide you to people of peace where you live, work, and play.
...pray for God to raise our awareness and openness to people in our communities who are lonely during this holiday season. Ask Him now to bring to mind the people in your neighborhood or network who are feeling alone right now. Pray for them by name and allow Him to show you how you can join Him in blessing them.
...pray for a family who live in the suburbs of Indianapolis who are practicing the rhythms of Jesus together over a meal once a week. Ask God to shape them in the way of Jesus. Pray over your family members today.

As people who are thinking and living like missionaries and making disciples who make disciples, we must know the story we are living in. Above is a diagram for the story below.
We Trust In The Story The Bible Tells…
In the beginning, God made everything, and he made everything good. God, being a relationship in and of Himself (as Father, Son, and Spirit), made men and women to be in right relationship with Him, each other, and the world around us. We were created to enjoy life with Him, together with others, for the good of the world.
But we distrusted God, chose to disobey Him, and sinned against Him. Every relationship we were made for was broken. We could no longer fully enjoy life with Him as we were intended.
Even still, God did not leave us. He came to us. He became one of us in Jesus as 100% man and 100% God. Through Jesus birth, life, death, and resurrection He put us back together. He reconciled our relationship with Him, each other, and the world around us. Once again, we can enjoy life with Him.
Even more, He invites us to join Him as His junior partners to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in His work of putting the world back together. He makes us “ministers of reconciliation”. He will work with us until the day he chooses to put all things back together when we will once again, fully and forever, enjoy life with Him, together with others, for the good of the world.