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Writer's picturePraxis Church

Praying With Praxis - 01.05.2022

Thank you for joining us in prayer. This week you can...

...ask our Father to open doors for spiritual conversations at Bloc Coffee Company where one of us in on mission and pray for the third places in your neighborhood or network. (Third places make great mission fields.)

...pray for the parents who are practicing the rhythms of Jesus at their family tables in Oakley and Greenfield, IN, and pray for your family and the families in your neighborhood and network.

...pray for 4C Ministry Institute as they train church leaders to be missional disciple-makers and ask our Father to send more leaders and equippers into your community.

Photo by Photolgic from Unsplash

Here's a little reminder that the future is bright for those of us who are in King Jesus...

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercyhe has given us new birthinto a living hopethrough the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. - 1 Peter 1:3-5, NIV

May God be blessed, God the father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah! His mercy is abundant, and so he has become our father in a second birth into a living hope through the resurrection from the dead of Jesus the Messiah. This has brought us into an incorruptible inheritance, which nothing can stain or diminish. At the moment it is kept safe for you in the heavens, while you are being kept safe by God’s power, through faith, for a rescue that is all ready and waiting to be revealed in the final time. - 1 Peter 1:3-5, The New Testament for Everyone

"What's more, the new life which God created at Easter isn't just about individuals being transformed. God has, through that great action, created a whole new world. At the moment it is being kept safe, out of sight, behind the thin and visible curtain which separates our world (earth) from God's world (heaven). But one day the curtain will be drawn back; and then the ‘incorruptible inheritance’, at present being kept safe in heaven, will be merged with our earthly reality, transforming it and soaking it through with God's presence, love and mercy. And if that new world is kept safe for us, Peter assures us that we are being kept safe for it. Faith itself is the anchor which holds us firm in that hope." – Tom Wright, The Early Christian Letters for Everyone

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